Customer Stories

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At Brolly Sheets, we believe in the power of personal stories. Our customers have shared their experiences with our products, and we're thrilled to share them with you. Learn how our products have improved their lives and discover why we're the trusted choice!



I have an 11 year old who has struggled with persistent night time wetting. He is a very deep sleeper and we had tried the bed alarm mat which was bulky, harder to clean and sometimes wouldn’t cover the area needed so it didn’t work. This wee wireless alarm is amazing! It is so small, easy to clean and works every time. We are a few weeks in and have had 4 dry nights this week. He now wakes up to the alarm himself, goes to the toilet, cleans up, resets it himself and goes back to bed without waking us at all. This has given him a real sense of autonomy and pride. One thing I would love with this alarm is an app that can connect to your phone and record how often and what times the alarm goes off to make the documenting process easier. Thank you so much for creating such a life changing device. Worth every penny! 

Happy M: The best product 


This is the best device ever. My 6 yr old girl wet every night - mostly 2-3 times and she was starting to get embarrassed so we thought we would try this. The first week felt like having a newborn again, the 2nd week much better, then she started waking and toileting on her own - now no alarm / no bed wetting. All up 6 weeks to get to stop fully alarming every night, now 10 weeks and no alarm no wetting for last 3 weeks. She is sooo proud. We found putting it in the gusset pocket in their nickers with some toilet paper wrapped around it was th e best. The toilet paper is for sweating as if sometimes went off with no wee. So so happy! Worth every cent!!!

Michelle J: Worked for us! 


Worked so well for us. Our 6yo had not had a dry night her whole life as she is such a heavy sleeper. After only 3 weeks using the alarm she is sleeping through the night in undies with no accidents. Things that helped: 1. We let her choose between a device to wear or an alarm mat on the bed and she chose this. 2. We called it her "night-time helper" and never used the words "bedwetting alarm" with her. 3. I put a cute little face on the bedside alarm with stickers to make it more appealing to a 6yo. 4. We brought her mattress into our bedroom so we could help her and so she could use our ensuite (and not wake younger sibling).

Sarah B: Total success!! 


My 6yr old son was soaking his pull up over night (heavy sleeper too). 

For nearly 2 weeks I also needed to wash his bedding daily as it was also soaked. 

It was so distressing and disheartening I purchased the bed wetting alarm. 

For 1 week we used it in a pull ups and the alarm woke him which made him get up and go to the bathroom. 

By the second week we used the alarm in undies and he had 7 dry nights in a row!! 

We are beyond excited and thrilled how well he has responded to this incredible piece of technology. 

Highly recommend this product to anyone with an older child who is still wetting overnight.