Mum's Grapevine Exclusive: Toilet Training Get Started Guides

Get Started Day Training Guide
Some things just don’t last forever – one of them is your children wearing their nappies! As parents, you need to guide your little ones to the next developmental, physical, and behavioural milestone of their lives. From using nappies during the daytime, you need to ease them in wearing underpants so they can freely use the potty. Working towards one common goal, we can get your little ones to potty independence!
If you’re unsure whether it’s the right time to start training your little one, our daytime training guide will discuss the telling signs to watch out for to know whether or not your child is ready for daytime toilet training. It also covers the following:
- When and how to start – we discuss ways on how to initiate the daytime toilet training. One example is choosing a time that suits you and your child for potty time.
- A list of handy products – we list a number of recommended products to use while training your precious ones.
- Top tips – we share our tried-and-tested tips that prove to be successful for many other parents when daytime toilet training!
- Free rewards chart and certificate downloads – we provide free printables to encourage positive behaviour and reward your child's effort during the training!

Get Started Night Guide
We cover a wide variety of topics in our night-time guide, touching on everything from when to start to how to tackle a relapse. Keep in mind that the advice is general, gathered over years from many experienced parents, and only meant to help your child on their toilet training journey. In other words, there’s no one-size fits all solution! You’ll need to tailor your approach according to your child’s development.
Some of the points we cover in the guide include:
- When to begin. The age your child can begin toilet training can depend on whether their bladder is capable of holding the wee for long enough (as well as other factors like their hormone production and other changes). We discuss how to find the right age, and what to do if it doesn’t seem to be working.
- Helpful products and techniques. From bedwetting alarms to the famous Brolly Sheet, we recommend some products that will make the nitty-gritty of this process easier for you.
- Tips from experienced parents. First and foremost, you are not alone. Every parent in history has experienced this period in their child’s life, and you can get through it too! These tips are simply to help you along.
- Reward charts and certificates. Kids love positive reinforcement, so celebrate their wins with some of our downloadable reward charts and certificates!
Ready to start the journey?